Status 2022

It’s ironic I’ve found time almost 2 years to the day for this long overdue update to this blog. But I’ve always tried to share meaningful content reflecting quantity and quality, and also a satisfactory level of critical analysis.

As you may know, I’ve selected the name Diverse Elements to operate my business from a performance entity my wife (with a dancer’s background and who came up with the name) and I as a drummer, formed shortly after we married.

To me, this best expresses components of disciplines and creativity part and parcel of any enterprise, certainly one(s) I’m involved in. I read recently where this view is shared more widely than might be expected.

The past 2 years have been devoted to looking at trends, making capital investments, and ongoing education related to video marketing, various types of animation and utilizing artificial intelligence. To be sure, these can be sub-divided into multiple categories.

These initiatives have a broad application from supporting promotions by small businesses and non-profits, to a virtual performance adapted from a book. Hopefully a live action rendition is in the future.

This period has also been punctuated by brief stints consulting independent entrepreneurs. As always valuable lessons derived from those experiences. I continue to be grateful for my journey.

On a personal level, there’s been a mix of uplifting and difficult events. On the uplifting side of the ledger, I had the good fortune to participate in a music performance in August 2021, at a community center called 19 Carter in Berlin MA., with a band named Diversions.

I’ll go into more specifics in future posts but in the meantime please enjoy a clip from the performance.

Challenges have been larger than I imagined when I began my independent sojourn more than 15 years ago, although they haven’t exactly been without precedent…which helps preparation…nevertheless forging ahead.

I hope and trust the same for you.

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